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Foundations Courses

EU456 and EU457: Professional Learning Seminar I and II

Teacher Candidates meet to share questions and reflections emerging from their professional practice, to engage in collaborative inquiry and problem solving, and to construct professional knowledge as a community of learners. Professional Learning Seminar II, which occurs in second year of the BEd program, places a greater focus on “transition to practice” (e.g. resume-writing, interview skills, supply teaching, etc.).

EU480: School and Society

This course provides an examination of historical and contemporary contexts of education including various philosophical perspectives, and political, social and legal aspects of the Ontario education system. Central to the course is developing an understanding of the ethical and professional standards that govern teachers' professional work.

EU481: Principles and Applications of Learning and Development

This course provides Teacher Candidates with a foundation in established and emerging theories of learning and how they inform and influence teaching practice. Throughout the course, all aspects of development, including physical, social, cognitive, and emotional, will be addressed in a digital, global context with relevant classroom applications. The course will emphasize topics related to the very young and middle-childhood students.

EU482: Curriculum Foundations

Teacher Candidates will examine curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and evaluation supported by relevant Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum, policy and supporting documents. This course will provide Teacher Candidates with opportunities to consider and apply methods to design, plan, and implement ways to promote continuous improvement of instruction, assessment, and evaluation across the curriculum.

Sample Elective Courses

  • EU432: Introduction to Mathematical Cognition and Exceptionalities
  • EU433: Environmental Education for a Sustainable Future
  • EU434: Global Education
  • EU440: Teaching in Ontario Catholic Schools
  • EU442: Anti-discriminatory Education: From Deficit Thinking to Strength-Based Approaches
  • EU443: Restorative Practices in Education
  • EU444: Social Innovation in Education
  • EU449: Teaching Students of Refugee Backgrounds

Curriculum Methods Courses

Unless otherwise noted, course content for Teacher Candidates with the corresponding teachables will include an emphasis on leadership and higher levels of curriculum interpretation and implementation and an enhanced emphasis on intermediate curriculum and instruction up to and including grade Teacher Candidates are also required to take one 0.25 course in teaching methods relating to their subject area speciality. 

EU417: Curriculum and Pedagogies in Social Studies and Indigenous Education

This course explores the histories and geographies of marginalized social groups with a focus on Indigenous and settler relationships across Turtle Island. This course provides a practical and conceptual introduction to teaching Social Studies using an activist and strength-based lens in the context of Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) understandings and perspectives. It consists of a series of weekly themes which prioritize non-hegemonic curriculum content and pedagogies. The course provides opportunities to develop practical understandings through lesson planning, assessment strategies, and the weaving of Indigenous and Western epistemologies in Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate classrooms. The course focuses on the intersection of micro and macro relationships and power dynamics to advance the role of the educator as an advocate and activist for equity and social justice, as well as learning ways to support Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate students in being advocates and activists.

EU418, EU419: Mathematics Education (Foundations of Mathematics for Teaching and Extending Mathematics for Teaching)

These courses examine current theory and practice related to mathematics education across the primary/junior grades (K-6) or junior/intermediate grades (4-10) with a lens of equitable and inclusive teaching practices. These courses build and consolidate mathematical knowledge through hands-on exploration of learning trajectories in topics relating to Number and Algebra, Data, Spatial Sense, and Financial Literacy to build an understanding of research-based teaching practices in mathematics.

EU439: Teaching in Kindergarten in Ontario Schools

An in-depth examination of Kindergarten programs, focusing on developing knowledge, skills, and understandings for creating an effective teaching and learning environment in the early years. Specific topics related to Kindergarten include play-based learning, developmentally appropriate practices, authentic assessment and communication strategies, emotional, physical and social well-being, literacy and mathematics skills, problem-solving and innovation.

EU425, EU426: Language and Literacy Education (Foundations of Language and Literacy Education, and Extending Language and Literacy Education)

These courses investigate current theory and practice related to English language and literacy development, including effective assessment, planning, and instruction, and implementation of the Ontario Curriculum across the primary/junior level (grades K to 6) and junior/intermediate (grades 4 to 10) depending on Teacher Candidates’ divisional enrollment. The courses will focus on the development and consolidation of requisite knowledge and skills to establish a repertoire of research and evidence-based instructional strategies to support students’ literacy development. These courses consider a broad definition of literacy to examine the literacy practices of our changing world to include how equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigenization practices support and foster a critical orientation to teaching literacy.

Knowing Your Learner — Diversity Courses

EU489: Special Education I

This course considers the learner with exceptionalities in the educational context. Legislation, policies and procedures related to special education are examined, including the Individual Education Plan and the identification and placement process. The course content will vary in its focus on curriculum expectations, learning and teaching at the different grade levels, depending on Teacher Candidates’ program division (Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate).

EU490: Special Education II

This course provides an overview of historical and social movements which have led to current inclusive teaching practices. The course critically assesses how society views ability and disability in educational contexts and challenges Teacher Candidates to consider how children are "differently-abled" rather than “disabled” by adopting a strengths-based perspective. Teacher Candidates will develop teaching practices to support all students. The course content will vary in its focus on curriculum expectations, learning, and teaching at the different grade levels, depending on Teacher Candidates’ program division (Primary/Junior or Junior/Intermediate).

EU491: Multilingual Learners in the English-dominant Classroom

This course provides Teacher Candidates with an understanding of the linguistic and socio-emotional needs of students whose dominant language is not English. Teacher Candidates will develop foundational knowledge of the language continuum to support effective instruction and assessment. This course uses Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum documents and the Ontario College of Teachers’ Standards of Practice to prepare Teacher Candidates to create learning environments that reflect linguistic and academic needs of their students.

EU492: Equity and Diversity in Schools

This course addresses selected theories and their related educational practices that contribute to the creation and maintenance of an equitable and inclusive school climate, one that respects and affirms the diversity and interdependence of the world’s people and cultures as well as the history, cultural heritage and pluralism of Canadian society.

EU493: First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) Topics in Educational Contexts

This course is designed to help Teacher Candidates learn how to effectively meet the needs of First Nations, Métis and Inuit learners in the classroom and connect non-Indigenous learners to Canada’s Indigenous knowledges, worldviews, and related practices through relevant and meaningful academic programming and co-curricular activities. To be examined are topics related to sovereignty, identity, land treaties, language reclamation and revitalization, environment sustainability, as well as historical and contemporary issues impacting Indigenous self-determination in the Canadian sociocultural and socioeconomic landscape.


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