
Social Work Professional Development

In the Faculty of Social Work, we believe that you never stop learning. Our professional development program offers more than 200 continuing education courses, workshops and certificates a year.

Whether you’re looking to upgrade your skills, complement your education or explore new areas of interest, our professional development program can help you achieve your goals.


We offer 15 non-credit professional development certificates. Our courses provide experiential, interactive learning opportunities through online and remote training options. All of our courses are facilitated by highly qualified, knowledgeable instructors with considerable experience in their area of expertise. You can take any of the courses associated with our certificates without working towards earning the certificate.

Other Programming

We offer non-certificate professional development programs in the Faculty of Social Work where we are dedicated to empowering professionals through a variety of innovative programs beyond our certificate offerings.

CBT Lunch and Learns

Hot topics in mental health are constantly emerging and evolving. Staying current in your knowledge and contributing to community conversations and support is critical to professional and personal development. Each year from September to June we hold monthly CBT Lunch and Learns. These 60 minute sessions will include a 50 minute presentation on a current trend, topic or issue in mental health followed by an opportunity to ask questions. 

See the for descriptions, upcoming dates and registration.

Dare to Lead™ 2.0

is the ultimate playbook for developing brave leaders and courageous cultures. Daring leadership is a collection of four courage skill sets that are 100% teachable, measurable, and observable.

Customized Training

We provide customized training solutions delivered right to you, saving your organization time and money.

We will work with your agency, organization or association to provide your staff or members with a professional development program that meets your unique needs.

Contact Lynne Jordan at ljordan@wlu.ca to discuss training solutions for your organization.


We believe in the power of collaboration. We are proud to partner with leading community organizations that share our commitment to innovative education, ethical practice and training that is aimed at enriching your skills and expertise.

Qualia Counselling Services

Our CBT program is offered in partnership with , a cognitive behaviour therapy clinic with offices in Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Brantford and Six Nations of the Grand River. Led by Thomas Brown and Charity Fleming, Qualia provides psychotherapy, supervision, coaching and training through core values of professional excellence, strength of character, authentic community, alleviation of suffering and anti-oppressive professional practice. Our CBT instructors are all clinical supervisors, consultants and psychotherapists working at Qualia.

Qualia Counselling Services logo

Red Maple Coaching and Consulting

Our Applied Internal Family Systems (IFS) Practice certificate is provided in partnership with . Built on the principles of human thriving from the world of social work, and specializing in personal, leadership and organizational development, Red Maple helps people practice the ‘harder’ skills of self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Individuals and team are equipped and empowered to navigate challenges, enhance communication, connect purposefully and achieve their best.  

Red Maple Coaching and Consulting logo

Contact Us

E: fswprofessionaldevelopment@wlu.ca

T: 548.889.5128 or 548.889.4967