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Positive Education applies the science of positive psychology to learning environments to enhance well-being, develop peer relationships and improve academic success. This online certificate is intended to prepare front-line educators, administrators, parents and organizations with the knowledge and skills to support students and institutions to thrive.

The Positive Education Certificate is a companion the Positive Psychology Certificate, and graduates can continue their studies with just one additional course.

The combination of theoretical and practical approaches to resilience, optimism and well-being provides you with the background and necessary tools to inform and embed the principles and practices of strength-based interventions to promote flourishing learning environments.

Through the exploration of individual and collective strengths, you'll gain an in-depth understanding of how to optimize your organizational culture to maximize your teaching and learning potential. This program will enable you to create implementation plans to accelerate the shift towards flourishing learning environments for administrators, teachers and students alike. This program is applicable to all learning environments from K-12 and post-secondary/higher education.

Read Clare Tattersall's story of how Positive Education and Positive Psychology have professionally and personally changed her life. 

Registration and Dates

Pricing: $899 

Positive Education modules are offered three times a year, typically near the beginning of regular academic terms (September, January, May).  The Positive Psychology Certificate is a prerequisite to the Positive Education Certificate. 

Want to learn more about the Positive Psychology and Positive Education Certificates? Email cpsw@wlu.ca to set up an appointment with the program coordinator.


Positive education uses scientific foundations and applied interventions of positive education to optimize organizational cultures and maximize teaching and learning potential. It is not an alternate method of treating psychological disorders or mental illness, nor does it address teaching methods. The Positive Education Certificate, offered through the Centre for Public Safety and Well-Being, seeks to help front-line educators, administrators, parents and organizations learn theoretical and practical approaches in resilience, optimism and well-being. The certificate does not provide graduates the authority to practice psychology, offer psychological services or teach in the Canadian education system.

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