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The Final Assessment Report is a public document that provides a synthesis of the cyclical review process for each unit, as well as a plan for the implementation of recommendations that are prioritized through the review. The Quality Assurance Office prepares the Final Assessment Report and submits it to the Provost and Vice-President: Academic, for review and approval. Final Assessment Reports are reviewed and approved by the Program Review Sub-Committee and the Senate Academic Planning Committee, and submitted to Senate, the Board of Governors and the Quality Council for information.

Two years following approval of the Final Assessment Report at Senate, academic units submit an Implementation Report, which provides updates on the implementation of recommendations prioritized in the Final Assessment Report. Implementation Reports are authored by the academic unit, with comments from the dean(s) and the Program Review Sub-Committee. Implementation Reports are approved by the Program Review Sub-Committee, which will determine if and when a subsequent report is necessary, and are submitted to the Senate Academic Planning Committee for information.

Final Assessment and Annual Implementation Reports

Final Assessment Reports and Annual Implementation Reports are posted alphabetically by faculty. For an accessible version of these reports, contact sheath@wlu.ca

Sally Heath, Manager, Academic Program Development and Review

E: sheath@wlu.ca
T: 519.884.0710 x4017
