Sofie Lachapelle
Dean of Arts
- History of science, culture, and entertainment
- History of science and religion
- History of the human sciences
- History of modern France
Lianne Leddy
Associate Professor
- Indigenous history
- Indigenous history, gender and the environment
Amy Milne-Smith
Associate Professor
- Victorian Britain and the British Empire
- 19th-century cultural history
- Masculinity and gender history
- Psychiatry in Britain and its empire
- Cultural constructions of class
David Monod
- Modern U.S. history
- Art and entertainment in early 20th-century American culture
- Vaudeville
Darren Mulloy
- American history post-1945
- American political extremism
- Intellectual history and political rhetoric
- Film and popular culture
Susan Neylan
Associate Professor
- 19th- and 20th-century Native-missionary encounters
- Indigenous Canadian history
- Indigenous peoples and colonialism
- Indigenous North America
- Comparative Indigenous ethnohistory
Chris Nighman
Associate Professor
- Late medieval and early renaissance intellectual history
- Latin florilegia
- Early Italian humanism
- Conciliar sermons
- Digital humanities
Eva Plach
Associate Professor
- Modern Polish history
- Polish-Jewish history
- History of animal welfare
David Smith
Assistant Professor
Chair, Department of History
- Early modern Britain and the Atlantic world
- Business History
- Legal History
- History of Economic Thought
Kevin Spooner
Associate Professor, North American Studies
Director, 勛圖厙 Centre for the Study of Canada
- Canadian foreign policy
- Canada’s contribution to international peacekeeping
- Canada and the Cold War
Dana Weiner
Associate Professor
- Grassroots politics in the colonial U.S. and U.S. history to 1900
- Social reform and gender history in U.S. history to 1900
- Debates over rights in early U.S. history