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Co-inventor (with I. Gkigkitzis C. Austerlitz): Use of Gold Macro-Rods and Ultrasound as a Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment. Property/ Patents Review of Case # TT1212.
Book: Gkigkitzis, I., Kirk, S., Haranas, I., Aspects of Mathematical Modelling in Photodynamic Therapy, Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-3-659-38738-8, publication date May 22, 2013.
This contribution examines the effects of oxygen diffusion and transport on the observed kinetics during Photodynamic Therapy in a spherical cell model and also provides a theoretical background for the qualitative and quantitative characterization of different aspects of basic cellular decision making processes.
The logical design and computational algorithms consider the decision-making process of a single cell in response to PDT treatment, and can be adjusted to accommodate and provide important insights into cellular response to other treatments, such as radiation, chemotherapy, neurodegeneration, etc., by applying the principles introduced here.
Moreover, this study includes the introduction of predator prey dynamical systems for the study of PDT survival curves in the time domain and points towards an axiomatic foundation of biological behavior of PDT treated cells, according to the current line of research in the field, that will assess various experimental data.
Hellenic Astronomical Association, First Prize, Athens, Greece Hellenic Astronomical Association,
Third Award, Athens, Greece Hellenic Mathematical Society Competition
Supervisor: ³Ô¹ÏÍø FOSSA Research Poster Supervision 2016, with title: The Effect of Corrected Gravitational Acceleration in the Depth and Diameter of Craters of Tsunamis of Meteoric Origin. Students: J. Gallaway-Booth, J. Cohen, V. McKay-Crites, C. Martz, S. Van Middelkoop, A. Tillie.
Co-supervisor: ³Ô¹ÏÍø Student: J. Gallaway-Booth, 4th year thesis.
Supervisor: ³Ô¹ÏÍø Research Paper Tittle: Anomalistic time and mean motion effects in Earth orbiting satellites interacting with electrostatic drag, Student: Seldon Van Middelkoop
Supervisor: ³Ô¹ÏÍø Student: Connor Martz, 4th year direct research topic with title: Yukawa Orbital Gravitational Effects in a Binary System with a Primary of Variable Mass.
Supervisor: ³Ô¹ÏÍø FOSSA Research Poster Supervision 2017, for J. Gallaway-Booth,Connor Martz and Seldon Van Middelkoop. I can supervise 4th year/MSc students in Astronomy, Astrophysics, Planetary and Space Science, Aerosol Physics, Mars Dust and Dust Storms, Gravitational Biology, Biomedical Physics.
Eli Cavan, Ioannis Haranas, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, A model for massless gravitons in radiation and matter dominated universes, J. Astrophys. Astr. (2020) 41:30
Modified Newtonian dynamics effects in a region dominated by dark matter and a cosmological constant Λ Ioannis Haranas, Kristin Cobbett, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, Athanasios Alexiou, Eli Cavan. Astrophys Space Sci (2020) 365:171.
Simulations of FRW Models with Variable Equation of State. Eli Cavan, Ioannis Haranas, Ioannis Gkigkitzis. Proceedings of IGRNET Intenational Conference London UK Nov 1-2 2020
Cavan E.,Haranas I. and Gkigkitzis I. Dynamics and Stability of the Two Body Problem with Yukawa Correction, accepted Accepted Astrophysics and Space Science, 2020.
Haranas I. Gkigkitzis, I., Moffatt, J., McLeod D., Secular Long Periodic and High Frequency semi major axis time rates of change due to emission of gravitational radiation, International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Dublin Ireland, April 1-2, 2020.
Haranas I., and Gkigkitzis I., Black Hole Torsion Effect and its Relation to Information, New Trends in High-Energy Physics (experiment, phenomenology, theory), Odessa, Ukraine, May 12-18, 2019 and UJPhysics vol. 64. #8, 2019.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Moffatt J. Gosal J., Post_Newtonian Anomalistic Effects of Celestial Bodies in due toi a Gravitational Law with Mucket-Trader Correction Term, Proceedings of the 231st The IIER International Conference, Dublin Ireland, January 1-2, 2019.
Connor Martz, Sheldon Van Middekoop, Ioannis Haranas, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, Ilias Kotsireas, Yukawa potential orbital energy in celestial bodies its relation to various orbital elements and to the mass of graviton particle mediating the interaction, Advances in Mathematical Physics,Volume 2019, Article ID 6765827,//doi.org/10.1155/2019/6765827.
Haranas I. Gkigkitzis I., Georgiadis S. McLeod D. Number of brain states in an N-body dynamical scenario according to the universal Bekenstein entropy bound GENEDIS 2018 Fields Institute University of Toronto October 25-28 submitted and accepted journal of Experimental Medicine and Biology.
Guillem Gómez, Ilias Kotsireas, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, Ioannis Haranas, Màrius J. Fullana, Space time geometry in the atomic hydrogenoid system. Approach to a dust relativistic model from Causal Quantum Mechanics, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, accepted as of Oct 1, 2017.
Haranas, Omiros Ragos, Ioannis Gkigkitzis, Ilias Kotsireas, Connor Martz, Sheldon Van Middelkoop, The Poynting–Robertson Effect in the Newtonian Potential with a Yukawa Correction, Astrophys. and Space Sc., Accepted with minor review.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Kotsireas I. Neuronal Correlation Parameter in the Idea of Thermodynamic Entropy of an N-Body Gravitationally Bounded System, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, GENEDIS 2016, Genetics and Neurodegeneration, Proceedings vol. 987, 2017
Barros A. L. S., Austeritz C., Gkigkitzis I., Campos D., Andrale J. K. F., Silva T. G., Nascimento, S., C., Haranas I., Preclinical Validation of the Located Hyperthermia Using Gold Macro-Rods and Ultrasound as an Effective Treatment for Solid Tumors, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, GENEDIS 2016, Genetics and Neurodegeneration, Proceedings vol. 987, 2017.
Austeritz C., Gkigkitzis, I., Barros A. L. S., Melo J., Haranas I., Determination of Soft Tissue Breakpoint Based on its Temperature Enhancement Pattern: In Vivo and in Vitro Experiments, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, GENEDIS 2016, Genetics and Neurodegeneration, Proceedings vol. 987, 2017.
Austeritz C., Gkigkitzis, I., Barros A. L. S., Melo J., Haranas I., Campos D., A Paris System Based Implant Approach to Hyperthermia Cancer Tumor with Gold Seeds and Ultrasound, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, GENEDIS 2016, Genetics and Neurodegeneration, Proceedings vol. 987, 2017.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Kotsireas I., Gomez, G., Fullana G., M., J., Yukawa Effects on the Mean Motion of an Orbiting Body, Astrophys. and Space. Sc (2016) 361: 365. .
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis, I., Kotsireas, I., Haranas, M., K., and Rekkas, I., The Effect of Gravitational Acceleration in the Streaming Potential on the Surface of a Planetary Body and in Orbit around it, Advances in Space Research, v. 56, pp.1714-1725, 2015.
Haranas I, Ragos, O., Gkigkitzis I and Kotsireas I., Quantum and Post-Newtonian Effects in the Anomalistic Period and Mean Motion of Celestial Bodies, Astrophysics and Space Science, Astrophys. Space. Sc. 358.12, 2015, DOI 10.1007/s10509-015-2408-2.
Austerlitz, C., Barros, A., Gkigkitzis, I., Campos, D., Gonçalves da Silva, T., Nascimento, S., Haranas, I., “Use of Gold Macro-Rods and Ultrasound as a Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment: Experimental results on Ehrlich tumor in Mus Musculus mice”, BSP-Patent Book Series Topics in Anti-Cancer Research, Volume 4, pp. 3-21, 2015 (in press).
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Ragos O., Austerlitz C., Time Like Geodesics in a Non-Singular Potential, Physics International, special issue, April 2015.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., The Expansion of the Universe and its Relation to Information, Journal of Astrophysics, Submitted June 2016, under review.
Haranas I , Gkigkitzis, I., Alexiou A., Fractal Growth on the Surface of a Planet and in Orbit around it, Microgravity - Science and Technology, October 2014, DOI 10.1007/s12217-014-9397-6.
Gkigkitzis, I, Haranas I., Ragos O., Kretschmann Invariant and Relations Between Spacetime Singularities Entropy and Information, Physics International, Vol. 6, # 1, pp. 103-11, 2014.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., The mass of graviton and its relation to the number of information according to the holographic principle submitted June 2014, accepted 27 July 2014, to International Scholarly Research Notices.
Austerlitz C., Gkigkitzis, I., Campos, D., Haranas, I., An experimental study on the heat enhancement and the bio-heat transfer using gold macro road and ultrasound: A potential alternative to kill cancer cells, Physics International, Vol. 5, #2, pp. 132-135, 2014, doi:10.3844/pisp.2014.132.135.
Gkigkitzis, I., Haranas, I, A model between cell thermal enhancement and cell death by hyperthermia, Journal of Radiation Ocnology, accepted in press Fall 2014.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Zouganelis, G D., Haranas, M, K., Kirk S., Respiratory Particle Deposition Probability due to Sedimentation with Variable Gravity and Electrostatic Forces, GeNeDis 2014 Proceedings Published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press May 2015.
Gkigkitzis I, Austerlitz, C., Haranas I., Campos, D., The Effect of the Shape and Size of Gold Seeds Irradiated with Ultrasound on the Bio-Heat Transfer in Tissue, GeNeDis 2014 Proceedings Published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press May 2015.
Gkigkitzis I., Haranas I., Analytic Consideration and Axiomatic Approaches to the concept cell death and cell survival functions in biology and cancer treatment, GeNeDis 2014 Proceedings Published in Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press May 2015
Zouganelis, D. G, Haranas, I., Gkigkitzis, I., Enhanced Capillary Rise of Wetting Liquids in Reduced Gravitational Shielding under Microgravity Conditions, Physics International, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp. 140-151, 2014.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Zouganelis, G, A Computational Study of the Mechanics of Gravity-induced Torque on Cells, Geon Cells,, accepted Vol. 1 no. 1 pp. 59-78, November 2013.
Haranas I., Ragos, O., Gkigkitzis, I., The Lens-Thirring effect in the anomalistic period of celestial bodies, American Journal of Space Science, DOI 10.3844/ajssp 2013.46.53
Gkigkitzis, I., Haranas, I., Kirk, S., Number of Information and its relation to the Cosmological Constant Resulting from Landauer’s Principle, Astrophys. and Space Sci., Vol. 348, pp. 553-557, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10509-013-1581-4.
Haranas, I, Gkigkitzis, I Geometry of the universe and its relation to the entropy and the number of information, Advances in Astronomy, vol. 2013, Article ID 809695, 3 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/809695.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Entropic Gravity Corrections on the Horizon of a Black Hole Resulting from a YukawaType of Correction to the Metric, Astrophys and Space Sci. Vol. 347, Issue 1, pp. 77-82, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10509-013-1492-4.
Haranas, I., Gkigkitzis, I., Bekestein Bound of Information Number N and its Relation to Cosmological Parameters in a Universe with and without Cosmological Constant Modern Physics Letters A, vol. 28, no. 19, 2013 DOI 10.1142/S0217732313500776.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I, The Number of Information Bits Related to the Minimum Quantum and Gravitational Masses in a Vacuum Dominated Universe, Astrophys. and Space Sci. vol. 346, Issue 1, pp. 213-218, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10509-013-1434-1.
Ragos, O., Haranas I., and Gkigkitzis, I., Anomalistic Period Effects in Celestial Bodies due to a Logarithmic Correction in the Gravitational Potential, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 345, Issue 1, pp 67-72, 2013.
Kirk, S., Haranas, I., Gkigkitzis, I., Satellite Motion in a Manev Potential with Drag, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 344, issue 2, pp. 313-320, 2013, DOI 10.1007/s10509-012-1330-0.
Gkigkitzis, I, and Haranas, I., Towards a Predator-Pray Mathematical Model of Cell Survival as a Function of Molecular Pathways and Biochemical Events in Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer, Submitted to the Theory of Biosciences, Nov. 2014 under review.
Gkigkitzis, I, and Haranas I., Cell Decision Making and Death Signal Stimulation During Photo-Chemo-Therapy, Submitted to Journal of Mathematical Medicine and Biology, Nov 2014 under review.
Haranas I., Ragos O., Gkigkitzis, I., Radar Signal Delay in the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati Gravity in the Vicinity of the Sun, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 342, Issue 1, pp 281-285, 2012.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., Zouganelis, G., g Dependent Particle Concentration due to Sedimentation, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 342:31–43, 2012.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis I., One Dimensional Blood Flow Model for a Spacecraft in Orbit around Earth, Advances in Space Research, vol.49, Issue 10, pp. 1456-1464, 2012.
Haranas I., and Pagiatakis S., Mars Dust Storms and their Effect on Low Orbiters, Acta Astronautica, vol.72, March-April, pp. 27-37, 2012.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis, I, Zouganelis, G., D., Intracellular Molecular Distributions in Spacecraft Experiments in Orbit around Earth, Advances of Space Research, vol.49, Issue 7, pp.1203-1211, 2012.
Haranas I., Gkigkitzis, I. Temperature, Entropy and Heat Capacity of a Non-Newtonian Black Hole resulting from a Yukawa Correction to the Metric, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 337, issue 2, pp. 693-702, 2011.
Haranas I., Ragos O., Gkigkitzis I., Horava Lifsfhitz Gravity: Calculation of Radar Signal Delay Contribution in the Vicinity of the Sun in the Kehagias-Sfetsos Solution, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol.335, no. 2, pp. 539-543, 2011.
Haranas I., Ragos O., and Harney M., Eccentricity Functions in the Higher Degree and Order Sectorial Gravitational Harmonic Coefficients, NPA Conference Proceedings, University of Maryland College Park, MD, USA, July 6-9, 2011.
Haranas I. Ragos O., Calculation of Radar Signal Delays in the Vicinity of the Sun due to a Yukawa Correction term in the Gravitational Potential, accepted Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 331, no. 1, pp. 71-74, 2011.
Haranas I., Ragos O. and Mioc V., Yukawa-Type Potential Effects in the Anomalistic Period of Celestial Bodies, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 332, no. 1, pp.107-113, 2011.
Haranas I., Mioc V., Poynting-Robertson Effect in a Non-Singular Gravitational Potential, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol.331, no. 1, pp. 289-294, 2011.
Haranas I., and Ragos O., Yukawa type Effects in Satellite Dynamics, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 331, No. 1, pp.115-119, 2011, and http:/grace.jpl.nasa.gov/publications/.
Haranas I. and Pagiatakis S., Satellite Motion in a Non-Singular Gravitational Potential, Astrophys and Space Sci., vol. 327, pp. 83-89, 2010, .
Harney M. and Haranas I, A Derivation of π(n) Based on a Stability Analysis of the Riemann-Zeta Function, Progress in Physics, vol. 2, 2010.
Haranas I. and Mioc V., Manev Potential and Satellite Orbits, Rom. Astron. J., Vol. 19, No. 2, Bucharest, 2009.
Haranas I. and Harney M. The Mass of the Universe and Other Relations in the Idea of a Possible Cosmic Quantum Mechanics, Progress in Physics, vol. 2, pp. 50-51, 2009.
Haranas I. and Harney M., Detection of the Relativistic Corrections to the Gravitational Potential Using a Sagnac Interferometer, Progress in Physics, vol. 3, pp. 3-8, 2008.
Haranas I and Harney M., Geodetic Precession of the Spin in a Non-Singular Gravitational Potential, Progress in Physics, vol. 1, pp. 1-5, 2008.
Harney M. and Haranas I., The Dark Energy Problem, Progress in Physics, vol. 4, pp. 16-18, 2008.
Haranas I, Derivation of Einstein’s Field Equations in Cosmology using Harrison’s Formula, Galilean Electrodynamics, Special Issue on Gravity, vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 49-54, 2007.
Haranas I., Pressure Calculations in a Constant Density Star in the Dynamic Theory of Gravity, Rom. Astron. J., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 95-106, 2005.
Haranas I., Radar Time Delays in the Dynamic Theory of Gravity, Serb. Astron. J., no. 168, pp. 49-54, 2004.
Haranas I., The Deflection of Light in the Dynamic Theory of Gravity, Rom. Astron. J., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 3-9, 2004.
Haranas, I., Derivation of Weinberg’s Relation in Inflationary Universe, Rom. Astron. J., vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 111-117, 2003.
Haranas, I., A Variable Model of the Fine Structure Constant, Rom. Astron. J., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 25-30, 2003.
Haranas I., Temperature of a Black Hole in a De Sitter Space Time, Rom. Astron. J., vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 109-113, 2002 .
Haranas, I., Sakharov’s Temperature Limit in a Modified Schwarzschild Metric, Rom. Astron. J., vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 23-27, 2002.
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