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June 17, 2024
Come Again! Sweet love doth now invite
Thy graces that refrain to do me due delight
To see, to hear, to touch, to kiss, to die
With thee again, in sweetest sympathy
Come Again! That I may cease to mourn
Through thy unkind disdain
For now, left and forlorn
I sit, I sigh, I weep, I faint, I die
In deadly pain and endless misery
Gentle Love, draw forth thy wounding dart,
thou canst not pierce her heart
for I that do approve
By sighs, and tears, more hot, than are thy shafts
Do tempt: while she, for triumphs, laughs
O Ravishing delight!
What mortal can support the sight?
Alas! Too weak is human brain so much rapture to sustain
I faint, I fall, O take me hence,
Ere ecstasy invade my aching sense,
Help me Hermes, or I die, I die,
Help me Hermes, or I die
Save me from excess, excess of joy
Help me, Hermes, or I die,
Help or I die.
Save me from excess of joy,
Save me, save me from excess of joy
Amor, amor, non dormir più!
Sù, sù, svegliati homai,
Che mentre dormi tù
Dormon le gioie mie, vegliono i guai.
Non esser Amor, dappoco!
Strali, strali, foco,
Strali, strali, sù, sù,
Foco, foco, sù, sù!
Non dormir più, svegliati sù!
Oh pigro oh tardo
Tù non hai senso!
Amor melenso,
Amor codardo,
Ahi, quale io resto!
Che nel mio ardore
Tù dorma, Amore:
Mancava, mancava, questo!
Ahi, quale io resto.
Cupid, no more sleeping!
Up, up, wake up right now,
for while you sleep
my joys sleep, troubles are wakeful.
Don’t be useless, Cupid!
Arrows, arrows, fire,
arrows, arrows, get up, get up,
fire, fire, get up, get up!
Oh, you idle laggard,
you've got no sense!
Foolish Cupid,
cowardly Cupid,
ah, what can I do?
In spite of all my ardor
you slumber:
that’s all I need!
Ad onta del fato
mio bene adorato
te solo amerò
se diedero i numi
la gloria a’ tuoi lumi
di farmi languire
languire, morire,
per te languirò
Despite fate,
my beloved
I only love you
if they gave the gods
the glory to your lights
to make me languish
languish and die
I will languish for you
Ch’io mai vi possa la sciar d’amare
non lo credete pupile care:
nemmen per gioco v’ingannerò
Voi foste e siete le mie faville
e voi sarete, care pupille,
il mio bel foco finché vivrò
May I never stop loving you
don’t believe it, dear friends:
I will not deceive you even for fun
You were and are my sparks,
and you will be, dear friends,
My beautiful fire as long as I live.
Quando verrà quel di
Che riveder potrò
Quel che l’amante cor tanto desia?
Quando verrà quel di
che in sen t’accoglierò
bella fiamma d’amor, anima mia?
When will that day arrive?
When I may see gain
That which the loving heart doth much desire?
When will that day arrive?
When I welcome you into my heart,
Beautiful flame of love, my soul!
Almen se non poss’io
Se guir l’amato bene
affetti del cor mio
seguitelo per me
Già sempre a lui vicino
raccolti amor vi tiene
e insolito cammino
questo per voi non è
At least, if I am not able
to follow my beloved,
you affections of my heart,
go with him for me.
Already near him always,
Love keeps you gathered,
and the path to him
is not unfamiliar for you.
Des Wassermanns sein Töchterlein
Tanzt auf dem Eis im Vollmondschein,
Sie singt und lachet sonder Scheu
Wohl an des Fischers Haus vorbei.
Ich bin die Jungfer Binsefuss,
Und meine Fisch wohl hüten muss;
Meine Fisch, die sind im Kasten,
Sie haben kalte Fasten;
Von Böhmerglas mein Kasten ist,
Da zähl ich sie zu jeder Frist.
Gelt, Fischer-Matz? gelt, alter Tropf,
Dir will der Winter nicht in Kopf?
Komm mir mit deinen Netzen!
Die will ich schön zerfetzen!
Dein Mägdlein zwar ist fromm und gut,
Ihr Schatz ein braves Jägerblut.
Drum häng ich ihr, zum Hochzeitsstrauss,
Ein schilfen Kränzlein vor das Haus,
Und einen Hecht, von Silber schwer,
Er stammt von König Artus her,
Ein Zwergen-Goldschmieds-Meisterstück,
Wers hat, dem bringt es eitel Glück:
Er lässt sich schuppen Jahr für Jahr,
Da sinds fünfhundert Gröschlein bar.
Ade, mein Kind! Ade für heut!
Der Morgenhahn im Dorfe schreit.“
The water elf’s little daughter
Dances on the ice in the full moon,
Singing and laughing without shyness
Past the fisherman's house.
“I am the maiden Rushfoot”
And I must look after my fish;
My fish are in this casket,
Having a cold Lent;
My casket’s made of Bohemian glass,
And I count them whenever I can.
Right, Fisher kid? Right, foolish old fisherman,
You cannot understand it's winter?
If you come near me with your nets,
I'll tear them all to shreds!
But your maiden is good and devout,
And her sweetheart’s an honest huntsman.
That’s why I’ll hang a wedding bouquet for her,
A wreath of rushes outside her house,
And a pike of solid silver,
From King Arthur’s time,
The masterwork of a dwarf goldsmith,
Which brings its owner the best of luck:
Each year it sheds its scales,
Worth five hundred silver coins in cash.
Farewell, child! Farewell for today!
The morning- rooster in the village cries morning.”
Grausame Frühlingssonne,
Du weckst mich vor der Zeit,
Dem nur im Maienwonne
Die zarte Kost gedeiht!
Ist nicht ein liebes Mädchen hier,
Das auf der Rosenlippe mir
Ein Tröpfchen Honig beut,
So muss ich jämmerlich vergeh'n
Und wird der Mai mich nimmer sehn
In meinem gelben Kleid.
Merciless spring sun,
You wake me before my time,
For only in blissful May
Can my delicate food grow!
If there is no dear girl here
To offer me a drop of honey
From her rosy lips,
Then I must perish miserably
And May shall never see me
In my yellow dress.
Bei Nacht im Dorf der Wächter rief:
Ein ganz kleines Elfchen im Walde schlief –
Wohl um die Elfe.
Und meint, es rief ihm aus dem Tal
Bei seinem Namen die Nachtigall,
Oder Silpelit hätt ihm gerufen.
Reibt sich der Elf die Augen aus,
Begibt sich vor sein Schneckenhaus,
Und ist als wie ein trunken Mann,
Sein Schläflein war nicht voll getan,
Und humpelt also tippe tapp
Durchs Haselholz ins Tal hinab,
Schlupft an der Mauer hin so dicht,
Da sitzt der Glühwurm, Licht an Licht.
„Was sind das helle Fensterlein?
Da drin wird eine Hochzeit sein:
Die Kleinen sitzen beim Mahle,
Und treibens in dem Saale;
Da guck ich wohl ein wenig ’nein!“
– Pfui, stösst den Kopf an harten Stein!
Elfe, gelt, du hast genug?
Gukuk! Gukuk!
The village watch cried out at night:
An elfin elf was asleep in the wood- –
Just at eleven.
And thinks the nightingale was calling
Him by name from the valley,
Or Silpelit had sent for him.
The elf rubs his eyes,
Steps from his snail-shell home,
Looking like a drunken man,
Not having slept his fill,
And hobbles down, tip-toeing,
Through the hazels to the valley,
Slips right up against the wall,
Where the glow-worm sits, shining bright.
“What bright windows are these?
There must be a wedding inside:
The little folk are sitting at the feast
And skipping around the ballroom;
I’ll take a little peek inside!”
Shame! he hits his head on a hard stone!
Elf, don’t you think you’ve had enough?
Cuckoo! Cuckoo!
Hier lieg ich auf dem Frühlingshügel:
Die Wolke wird mein Flügel,
Ein Vogel fliegt mir voraus.
Ach, sag mir, alleinzige Liebe,
Wo du bleibst, dass ich bei dir bliebe!
Doch du und die Lüfte, ihr habt kein Haus.
Der Sonnenblume gleich steht mein Gemüte offen,
Sich dehnend
In Lieben und Hoffen.
Frühling, was bist du gewillt?
Wann werd' ich gestillt?
Die Wolke seh ich wandeln und den Fluss,
Es dringt der Sonne goldner Kuss
Mir tief bis ins Geblüt hinein;
Die Augen, wunderbar berauschet,
Tun, als schliefen sie ein,
Nur noch das Ohr dem Ton der Biene lauschet.
Ich denke dies und denke das,
Ich sehne mich und weiss nicht recht nach was:
Halb ist es Lust, halb ist es Klage;
Mein Herz, o sage,
Was webst du für Erinnerung
In golden grüner Zweige Dämmerung?
Alte unnennbare Tage!
Here I lie on the springtime hill:
The clouds become my wings,
A bird flies on ahead of me.
Ah tell me, one-and-only love,
Where you are, that I might be with you!
But you and the breezes, you have no home.
Like a sunflower, my soul has opened,
In love and hope.
Spring, what is it you want?
When shall I be stilled?
I see the clouds drift by, the river too,
The sun kisses its golden glow
Deep into my veins;
My eyes wondrously enchanted,
Close, as if in sleep,
Only my ears still harken to the humming bee.
I muse on this, I muse on that,
I yearn, and yet for what I cannot say:
It is half joy, half lament;
Tell me, O heart,
What memories do you weave
Into the twilit green and golden leaves?
Past, unmentionable days!
Réveille-toi, réveille-toi, perdrix mignonne,
Ouvre au matin tes ailes.
Trois grains de beauté, mon cœur en est brûlé!
Vois le ruban d’or que je t’apporte,
Pour le nouer autour de tes cheveux.
Si tu veux, ma belle, viens nous marier!
Dans nos deux familles, tous sont alliés!
Wake up, wake up, pretty partridge,
Spread your wings to the morning,
Three beauty spots - and my heart's ablaze.
See the golden ribbon I bring you
To tie around your tresses.
If you wish, my beauty, let us marry!
In our two families, all are related.
Là-bas, vers l’église,
Vers l’église Ayio Sidéro,
L’église, ô Vierge sainte,
L’église Ayio Costanndino,
Se sont réunis,
Rassemblés en nombre infini,
Du monde, ô Vierge sainte,
Du monde tous les plus braves!
Down there by the church,
By the church of Saint Sideros,
The church, O Holy Virgin,
The church of Saint Constantine,
Are gathered together, buried in infinite numbers,
The bravest people, O Holy Virgin,
The bravest people in the world!
Quel galant m’est comparable,
D’entre ceux qu’on voit passer?
Dis, dame Vassiliki?
Vois, pendus à ma ceinture,
Pistolets et sabre aigu …
Et c’est toi que j’aime!
What gallant can compare with me?
Among those seen passing by?
Tell me, Mistress Vassiliki?
See, hanging at my belt,
Pistols and sharp sword...
And it's you I love!
Ô joie de mon âme,
Joie de mon cœur,
Trésor qui m’est si cher;
Joie de l’âme et du cœur,
Toi que j’aime ardemment,
Tu es plus beau qu’un ange.
Ô lorsque tu parais,
Ange si doux
Devant nos yeux,
Comme un bel ange blond,
Sous le clair soleil,
Hélas! tous nos pauvres cœurs soupirent!
O joy of my soul, joy of my heart,
Treasure so dear to me;
Joy of the soul and of the heart,
You whom I love with passion,
You are more beautiful than an angel.
Oh when you appear, angel so sweet,
Before our eyes,
Like a lovely, blond angel
Under the bright sun -
Alas, all our poor hearts sigh!
Tout Gai! gai, Ha! Tout gai!
Belle jambe, tireli qui danse
Belle jambe, la vaisselle danse
Tra la la la la la…
So merry, Ah! So merry
Lovely leg, tireil, that dances
Lovely leg, the crockery dances,
Tra la la
It will not change now,
after so many years
life has not broken it,
with parting or tears.
Death will not alter it.
It will live on,
in all my songs, for you
When I am gone
From my spirit’s grey defeat
From my pulse’s flagging beat
From my hopes that turned to sand,
sifting through my closed clenched hand
From my own fault’s slavery
If I can sing, I still am free
For with my singing, I can make a refuge
To be my fragile,