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Academic Background: PhD in Sociology from the University of Quebec in Montreal, MA in Management of Cooperative Organizations from the University of Sherbrooke (Quebec), BA in Law from the University of Reims (France).
I also completed a Certificate in Race Relations from the National Coalition Building Institute in Washington.
Prior to ³Ô¹ÏÍø I worked as a Research Coordinator for BBBF (Laurentian University), as the Executive Director of l’Observatoire du Development in Montreal (UQAM) and the Executive Director of the Social Planning Council of Cambridge (Ontario)
The main focus of my research is on the role and impact of governance and leadership in the African continent. Recent research includes emerging leadership academic programs with a focus on curricular designs.
I have supervised independent research projects or MRPs for students working on leadership related topics. I also sat on several Masters thesis and PhD committees for students working on issues related to Africa, International Development, Integration, Diversity and Leadership.
I am willing to continue supervising students working in these topics.
Shizha, E. & Diallo, L., (Eds), “Africa in the Age of Globalization: Perceptions, Misperceptions and Realities”, Ashgate (England), 2015.
Selected Publications:
Shizha, E. and Diallo, L., “Introduction”, in Africa in the Age of Globalisation, Shizha, E and Diallo, L. (eds), Ashgate (England), 2015, pp. 1-13
Diallo, L., “Democracy and Governance in Africa: Lessons from Senegal”, in Africa in the Age of Globalisation, Shizha, E and Diallo, L. (eds), Ashgate (England), 2015, pp. 49-64
McLaren, P., McGowan, R., Gerhardt, K., Diallo, L., and Saeed, A., “Business without the Math: Competing Discourses and the Struggle to Develop an Undergraduate Leadership Program” Journal of Leadership Educators, Volume 12, Issue 2, 2013.
Diallo, L., and Lafreniere, G., “An Exploration of the Inextricable Link between Leadership and Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives”, in Edward Shizha and Ali A. Abdi, Routledge, Taylor and Francis, Rewriting Development Discourses: Critical Propositions (New York), 2013
Gerhardt, K. and L. Diallo, “Exploration of Leadership Undergraduate Curricula: A Practical and Critical Review” International Journal of Higher Education and Democracy, Volume 4, pp. 94-115, Published by State University of New York Press, 2013.
Diallo, L., and Izarali, R., “Why Canada Needs a Focused Policy Towards Africa in the 21st Century”, Africa Review. 2(2), 2010
Lafreniere, G., and Diallo, L., “In the Interest of Working with Survivors of War, Torture and Organized Violence: Lessons from a University/Community Research Collaboration in South-Western Ontario”, Canadian Issues: Immigrant Mental Health. 2010
Diallo, L. et Lafreniere, G., ”Comment intervenir auprès des survivants de guerre, torture et violence organisée: compte-rendu d’un projet de recherche entre l’Université Wilfrid
³Ô¹ÏÍø et le Centre de santé communautaire de Hamilton et Niagara”, Reflets, Revue Ontaroise d’intervention Sociale. 2007
Diallo, L., Lafreniere, G., and Dubie, D., “Building Bridges Between Academe and Community: Case Study of the Healing of the Seven Generations Project”, in Native Social Work Journal – Resistance and Resiliency: Addressing Historical Trauma of Aboriginal People. 6:121-136, 2007
Lafreniere, G., Diallo, L., Dubie, D., and Henry, L., “Can University/Community Collaboration Create Spaces for Aboriginal Reconciliation?” First People Child and Family Review Journal. 2(1)53-66, 2005
Lafreniere, G, Diallo, L, and Dubie, D., “Building Alliances Between Community and the Academy”, in K. Leeno (ed) Engaging Equity: Perspectives on Anti-Racist Education (Calgary: Detselig Publishers, 2005) pp 163-179
Bélanger, J. M. and Diallo, L., ”Empowering Communities: Community Administration of a Government Project” in Delaney, Roger, Keith Browlee and Margaret Sellick (Editors), Social Work With Rural and Northern Communities, Centre for Northern Studies, Lakehead University, 1999, pp 81-104
Diallo, L., « Rapport D’Évaluation : Projet Santé Communautaire Globale et Projet de Concertation pour la coordination des interventions en santé auprès des aînés francophones en milieu minoritaires », soumis au Réseau Santé en Français (Terre Neuve-et-Labrador), Avril 2013, Projet financé par le Ministère de la Santé du Canada.
Diallo, L. « Rapport D’Évaluation : Établissement d’une Clinique bilingue à St-Jean (Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador) », projet soumis à l’Association communautaire francophone de St-Jean et la Fédération des francophones de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, Avril 2013, Projet financé par le Ministère de la Santé du Canada.
Diallo, L., ‘Manuel de formation pour les intervenants-es qui travaillent avec les personnes victimes de violences organisées’, Report submitted to Le centre de santé communautaire de Hamilton-Niagara, Project funded by the Ministry of Health, 2006
Diallo, L. and Lafreniere G., ‘Projet de recherche sur le service d’établissement et d’adaptation des immigrants et immigrantes francophones de la région de Hamilton, Ontario: Pistes et enjeux pour une harmonisation saine et efficace’, Report submitted to le Centre santé communautaire de Hamilton\Niagara, Funded by the Ministry of Health, 2006
Diallo, L., “Building Sustainability for Non-Profits: The Waterloo Region Experience”, Submitted to the Funders Alliance, Waterloo Region, 2004
Diallo, L., “Diversity Matters in Huron County: Attracting and Retaining New Canadians in Rural Southwestern Ontario”, Research report submitted to the Huron Business Development Corporation, Project funded by Industry Canada, 2004
Diallo, L., and Hallé R., (2003), “Rapport de mission sur l’évaluation des besoins de formation des partenaires congolais” (Needs Assessment for the Training of Teachers of Two Institutions in the Democratic Republic of Congo”. Project funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). - 2003
I was involved in several international projects in several African countries, including: Senegal, Guinee, Benin, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Contact Info:
F: 519.756.3716
Office location: SCJ305
Office hours: Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or by appointment.
Languages spoken: English, French