
Special Constable Service Sergeant Employee Handbook

This online version is for convenience; the official version of this employee handbook is housed in Human Resources. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by Human Resources, the official version shall prevail.

Updated: October 2023


This Special Constable Service Sergeant Employee Handbook has been prepared to assist Sergeants in finding the answers to general questions they may have and to familiarize them with the University’s general approach to certain HR issues.

This handbook replaces all previous handbooks issued by the University, immediately making all previous versions of the handbooks obsolete.. Handbooks are reviewed annually and can be accessed on our connect intranet website

Remember, this handbook is only intended to provide a general summary of information concerning certain HR issues. Neither the information in this handbook, nor any other communication by management with respect to this handbook or its contents, forms part of your employment contract with the University. The University has the right to change any information set out in this handbook, without consulting, obtaining agreement, or providing notice of any kind to employees.
