,,Spring Convocation,GRAND TOTAL Faculty of Arts,Bachelor of Arts,41,41 ,Doctor of Philosophy,2,2 ,General Bachelor of Arts,137,137 ,Honours Bachelor of Arts,491,491 ,Master of Arts,19,19 ,Total - Faculty of Arts,690,690 Faculty of Education,Bachelor of Education,145,145 ,Master of Education,59,59 ,Total - Faculty of Education,204,204 Faculty of Human & Social Sciences,Bachelor of Arts,21,21 ,General Bachelor of Arts,14,14 ,Graduate Diploma,15,15 ,Honours Bachelor of Arts,197,197 ,Hons Bach of Arts and Science,2,2 ,Hons Bach of Fine and Apl Art,8,8 ,Master of Arts,1,1 ,Master of Public Safety,65,65 ,Total - Faculty of Human & Social Sciences,323,323 Faculty of Liberal Arts,Bachelor of Arts,9,9 ,General Bachelor of Arts,3,3 ,Honours Bachelor of Arts,101,101 ,Honours Bachelor of Design,26,26 ,Total - Faculty of Liberal Arts,139,139 Faculty of Music,Diploma in Chamber Music,2,2 ,Diploma in Opera,1,1 ,Honours Bachelor of Music,64,64 ,Master of Arts,2,2 ,Total - Faculty of Music,69,69 Faculty of Science,Bachelor of Arts,19,19 ,Bachelor of Kinesiology,7,7 ,Bachelor of Science,1,1 ,Doctor of Philosophy,8,8 ,General Bachelor of Arts,28,28 ,General Bachelor of Science,30,30 ,Honours Bachelor of Arts,372,372 ,Honours Bachelor of Science,435,435 ,Hons Bachelor of Kinesiology,145,145 ,Master of Applied Computing,6,6 ,Master of Arts,5,5 ,Master of Computer Science,12,12 ,Master of Enviro Studies,8,8 ,Master of Kinesiology,4,4 ,Master of Science,18,18 ,Total - Faculty of Science,1098,1098 Hallman Faculty of Social Work,Doctor of Philosophy,4,4 ,Hons Bachelor of Social Work,71,71 ,Master of Social Work (2 Year),110,110 ,Master of Social Work (AdvStd),41,41 ,Total - Hallman Faculty of Social Work,226,226 Lazaridis School of Business and Economics,Bachelor of Arts,17,17 ,Doctor of Philosophy,2,2 ,Graduate Diploma,81,81 ,Hon Bachelor of Business Admin,462,462 ,Honours Bachelor of Arts,114,114 ,Hons Bachelor of Bus Tech Mgmt,3,3 ,Master of Arts,9,9 ,Master of Business Admin,66,66 ,Master of Finance,31,31 ,Total - Lazaridis School of Business and Economics,785,785 Martin Luther University Coll,Doctor of Philosophy,1,1 ,Graduate Diploma,2,2 ,Honours Bachelor of Arts,2,2 ,Master of Arts,34,34 ,Master of Divinity,3,3 ,Total - Martin Luther University Coll,42,42 GRAND TOTAL,,3576,3576