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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: March 4, 2009
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: November 30, 2020
Administrative Responsibility: University Secretariat
Parent Policy: Policy on University Policies and Procedures (1.1)
1.1 Individuals, bodies, or groups who perceive the need for the development of a new University Policy or the revision of an existing University Policy should consult the Office of Accountability, who will decide whether to develop or review the University Policy. For advice, contact Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy.
1.2 When an Office of Accountability elects to begin the development or revision of a University Policy, they will assign an individual or team (usually consisting of or including the Office of Administrative Responsibility) to lead and carry out the development or review of a University Policy.
1.3 The Office of Administrative Responsibility will notify the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy of the planned policy development or revision to ensure there is no overlap/duplication with related policies. The Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy will discuss the policy framework, timelines for governance meetings, provide any relevant templates and governance advice, including navigating the decision making process.
1.4 The development or review of a University Policy is outlined in and includes the following steps:
a. identify need or review and/or new policy
b. determine any relevant legislation and/or other policy(ies) and related procedures;
c. collect and analyze pertinent information;
d. draft a preliminary University Policy, and associated Procedures where applicable, that meet the criteria set out in the Policy on University Policies and Procedures using the prescribed format in section 6.0 and revise the draft as necessary during the consultation process;
e. conduct consultations with relevant community stakeholders and relevant staff, as appropriate, who will be impacted by or who can provide advice on the proposed policy draft (working groups should be considered for policies that have wide application);
f. have key policy stakeholders review draft policy and obtain sign-off from each stakeholder by completing review of draft policy sign-off form once review is complete;
g. submit the final draft to the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy and Legal Counsel for review;
i. Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy will review policy/procedure language, format and will provide suggested feedback and/or recommendations; For president approved policies, University Secretary along with the President, will determine if Cabinet input is required.
ii. Legal Counsel will review policy/procedure for legal implications and will provide feedback to the Office of Administrative Responsibility
h. finalize the draft and submit it to the Office of Accountability for final review.
1.5 If Cabinet input is required, the Office of Accountability will submit the proposed new or revised University Policy and associated Procedures (tracked changes and clean version) including the policy approval cover sheet and Board briefing note to the president’s office and will copy the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy. Once review by Cabinet is complete, the Office of Accountability will submit them for approval to the appropriate Approving Authority.
1.6 If Cabinet input is not required, the Office of Accountability will submit the proposed new or revised University Policy and associated Procedures (tracked changes and clean version) along with the policy approval cover sheet to the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy, who will then submit them to the President for approval.
2.1 Procedures, where applicable, must be developed or reviewed simultaneously with a University Policy or subsequently shortly thereafter.
2.2 When Procedures are developed simultaneously with the development or review of a University Policy, the process in sections 1.3 to 1.4 will be followed.
2.3 When Procedures are developed or reviewed after a University Policy has been approved, the Office of Accountability will assign an individual or team (normally to include the Office of Administrative Responsibility) to:
a. draft the Procedures in the appropriate procedures template;
b. conduct consultations as appropriate and revise the draft as necessary during the consultation process;
c. submit the Procedures to the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy and Legal Counsel for review; and,
d. submit the final draft of the Procedures to the Office of Accountability so that they may approve it.
2.4 The Office of Accountability will submit the final draft to the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy, who may notify the Approving Authority of the change(s) to Procedure.
3.1 Once a University Policy and associated Procedures, if any, have been approved, the Assistant University Secretary, Governance & Policy will:
a. maintain a record of the current, enforceable version of the University Policy and Procedures;
b. publish copies of the University Policy and Procedures and make them accessible to the university community; and,
c. maintain a record of the initial approval of a University Policy and Procedures and of all subsequent substantive and editorial changes.
3.2 The Office of Accountability will communicate the approval of new or revised University Policies and associated Procedures as appropriate.
4.1 A University Policy or Procedures may be rescinded at any time, subject to approval by:
a. the Approving Authority, in the case of a University Policy; or,
b. the Office of Accountability, in the case of a Procedure.
5.1 The University Secretary will set a cyclical schedule for the mandated review of all University Policies and Procedures.
5.2 The University Secretary will advise an Office of Accountability of the schedule for mandated review of a particular University Policy.
5.3 In cases where a University Policy undergoes substantive review outside the regular review cycle, the mandated review date should normally be reset at the standard number of years following the review.
5.4 The Office of Accountability for a University Policy will:
a. initiate and direct the mandated reviews according to the steps set out in these Procedures; and
b. if no changes are needed, report to the president, through the University Secretary, on the outcomes of the review.
5.5 Changing the Office of Accountability or Area of Administrative Responsibility for a University Policy:
a. as part of a policy review, the Office of Accountability and area of Administrative Responsibility will be examined in order to determine if it is still the correct place for the policy to be housed.
b. if it is determined that another area at the university is more suitable, the following procedure will be followed:
i. the new area of Administrative Responsibility or Office of Accountability will review the policy draft;
ii. the draft will then go forward to the current area of Administrative Responsibility or Office of Accountability for approval of the change (and any other policy changes).
6.1 The standard components for University Policies include the following as per policy template:
a. The Heading, which includes:
• the ³Ô¹ÏÍø logo
• policy number
• policy title
• Approving Authority (e.g., Board, Senate, President)
• original approval date (the date when the policy or revised policy comes into force)
• date of most recent review/revision
• Office of Accountability
• Office of Administrative Responsibility
b. Policy Purpose – the reason policy exists
c. Definitions - contains a list of terms in alphabetical order, and definitions, associated with the policy to help the reader to better understand the policy.
d. Jurisdiction/Scope - defines who is affected by the policy, who should observe it and follow its procedures, and who must understand it in order to do their job.
e. Policy - a clear and concise statement of the policy; this section should not include procedures.
f. Relevant Legislation (recommended) - a list of legislation relevant to the policy; legislation should be hyperlinked whenever possible.
g. Related Policies, Procedures, and Documents (recommended) - a hyperlinked list of related policies, associated procedures, and relevant documents.