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This online version is for convenience; the official version of this policy is housed in the University Secretariat. In case of discrepancy between the online version and the official version held by the Secretariat, the official version shall prevail.
Approving Authority: President
Original Approval Date: January 26, 1996
Date of Most Recent Review/Revision: December 22, 2017
Office of Accountability: Provost and Vice-President: Academic
Administrative Responsibility: Enrolment Services
1.00 The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the booking of non-assigned University Space and Facilities and procedures for the effective booking University Space and Facilities.
1.01 University Space and Facilities are to be used to further the academic mission, vision and values of the University.
1.02 This policy applies to the booking of all University Space and Facilities.
2.00 Academic Affiliate – a non-profit educational, cultural, professional or social service organization engaged with the University in the academic mission of the University. Academic Affiliates will have a legal agreement with the University that addresses the nature and scope of the affiliation;
2.01 Academic Use – use of University Space and Facilities for teaching and research activities, including: teaching of approved courses, seminars, laboratories and tutorials leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates; examinations and tests under the control of the Office of the Registrar;
2.02 Administrative Use – use of University Space and Facilities for internal administrative purposes including: offices and meetings;
2.03 Assigned – distribution of space by a department for the placement of individuals, purposes and functions for a period of time;
2.04 Bookable space – the University Space and Facilities made available by the University for bookings;
2.05 External User – an individual or group that is not an Academic Affiliate, University Affiliate or University Student Group that requests use of University Space & Facilities;
2.06 Internal User – a university faculty, staff or student member that requests use of University Space & Facilities;
2.07 Research Use – University Space and Facilities dedicated to research purposes;
2.08 Short-term Casual Use – Use of University Space and Facilities for purposes other than Academic, Administrative or Research Use that is for a limited amount of time (usually less than 24 hours) and frequency (typically not more than a few times per academic term or year);
20.9 Student Group Event – Any function organized by a University Student Group for its members and their guests using University Space and Facilities.
2.10 University Affiliate – a separate, incorporated organization associated with the University and recognized as a University Affiliate through a legal agreement with the University. University Affiliates includes, the ³Ô¹ÏÍø Students’ Union (WLUSU), the ³Ô¹ÏÍø Graduate Students’ Association (WLUGSA), and the ³Ô¹ÏÍø Alumni Association (WLUAA);
2.11 University Space and Facilities – all interior and exterior property and buildings owned or leased by the University;
2.12 University Student Group – a group of University students authorized by the University or a University Affiliate, registered with and recognized by the Office of Student Affairs. Only authorized University Student Groups are entitled to book University Space & Facilities;
2.13 User – an individual or group (Academic Affiliate, University Affiliate, University Student Group, Internal User or External User) that requests and books University Space & Facilities;
2.14 Utilization – compliance with the provincial established matrices for the efficient use of space in post-secondary institutions.
3.00 The lands and buildings of ³Ô¹ÏÍø are private property. The University has the right and responsibility to manage the use of and access to University Space and Facilities to ensure that the University’s academic and non-academic activities, the safety and security of persons and facilities, and the University’s reputation are not compromised.
3.01 All users of University Space and Facilities are required to comply with all applicable University policies, as well as all federal and provincial legislation and regulation and municipal by-laws relating to private property and the rights of individuals and the University.
4.00 University space and facilities are primarily for the academic, administrative and research use of the University.
4.01 ³Ô¹ÏÍø reserves the right to impose conditions and/or limitations on the use of University Space and Facilities and to withdraw or deny access to use University Space and Facilities if it determines that the use may interfere with the University’s operations or activities or the safety and security of persons and facilities.
4.02 The University may assess and collect fees or costs for the use of University Space and Facilities and to take action to pursue any remedies or damages, as available at law, if its policies and procedures or booking or use agreements are not followed.
4.09 Large university-wide events such as Convocation and Board of Governors and University Senate meetings supersede most other reservations.
4.10 Internal Users have priority in the booking of University Space & Facilities.
4.11 Normally, the priority ranking for the use of university space that is generally available for booking is:
a. Space use for general teaching for approved courses, seminars, laboratories, and tutorials of study leading to degrees, diplomas or certificates of the University and Academic Affiliates, including associated academic activities such as examinations and tests;
b. Space use for restricted teaching that is to be used for a faculty’s or department’s teaching needs;
c. Non-credit educational activities;
d. Student studying activities.
2. Short-term Casual Use
a. Guest lectures and events related to academic activities;
b. Academic or non-academic activities, events or meetings sponsored by an academic or administrative department or unit related to the life of the university, and involving faculty, staff, and/or students;
c. Events or activities booked by an Academic Affiliate, University Affiliate and University Student Group;
d. Events or activities for an External User or personal, non-University related activities by an Internal User.
Fire Code
Building Code
Occupational Health & Safety Act, 1990
Municipal By-laws (outside spaces – noise)
4.10 Short-term Casual Use Booking Procedure
4.14 Capital Priorities and Planning Process Policy
5.7 Signing Authority policy
Appendix A: Procedures for signing authorities for contracts
1.01 First priority is given to Academic Use for access to University Space & Facilities, as required.
1.02 Academic Use space may not be booked for Short-term Casual Use until after the registration deadline for each term has passed and all Academic Use requirements have been met.
1.03 Academic Use space may not be booked for Short-term Casual Use during the final examination period until the final examination schedule has been confirmed and posted.
1.04 Research Use space is generally not available to be booked for Short-term Casual Use due to potential health and safety risks and the need to protect valuable research equipment. Activities or events to be held in a university Research Centre/Facility must follow the Academic and Administrative Use booking process. In the limited situations where Research Use space is available, all appropriate health and safety training, access and use protocols must be satisfied.
1.05 Short-term Casual Use of University Space & Facilities is available only to an approved User and must follow the booking processes set out in this procedure.
1.06 Any User of University Space & Facilities that does not provide full and accurate information as part of the booking procedures, or who uses the space or facilities in an inappropriate manner, may lose their booking privileges. Misrepresentation or omission of relevant information about the use may result in the cancellation of the booking with or without notice. University Student Groups or members of a University Student Group may lose their status as an authorized University Student Group and/or face further action under the Non-academic Code of Conduct.
1.07 Promotional materials, posters and banners for an event must follow University policy 4.6 Bulletin Boards and Temporary Signs and Notices. Promotional materials for an activity or event by a User of University Space & Facilities must clearly identify the User as the sponsor for the event or activity and may not use University branded property or imply University sponsorship.
2.01 All Short-term Casual Use of University Space & Facilities must have a booking contact for the User and a signed User agreement.
2.02 All conference bookings should be directed through Conference Services.
2.03 Bookings should typically be made at least fifteen (15) business days in advance of the event or activity.
2.04 Space and Facilities may only be booked by the individual or group that will be using the space and facilities. Users may not book University Space & Facilities on behalf of another individual or group. The User and the booking contact will be responsible and accountable for the use.
2.05 An Internal User may book University Space and Facilities for Short-term Casual Use for a university-related event by following the booking procedure:
Student Internal Users should complete the booking form available on
Faculty and Staff Internal Users should complete the booking form available on .
2.06 Academic Affiliates may book University Space and Facilities for Short-term Casual Use by following the booking procedure for Academic Affiliates, including completing the booking form available on wlu.ca.
2.07 University Affiliates may book University Space and Facilities for Short-term Casual Use by following the booking procedure for University Affiliates, including completing the booking form available on wlu.ca.
2.08 University Student Groups may book University Space and Facilities for Short-term Casual Use for a Student Group Event by following the booking procedure for University Student Groups, including completing the booking form available on students.wlu.ca.
2.09 External Users may book University Space and Facilities for Short-term Casual Use by following the booking procedures for External Users, including completing the booking form available on wlu.ca.
2.10 External Users are required to have liability insurance in place as a mandatory requirement for the use of University Space and Facilities. The insurance requirements, including amount, are as determined by the University. Proof of insurance must be provided in advance of the event.
3.01 No Short-term Casual Use of University Space and Facilities will be approved for an activity that is inconsistent or non-compliant with a University policy or procedure, or that is in conflict with existing University programs or agreements.
3.02 Booking of University Space & Facilities for Short-term Casual Use may be cancelled when the space is required for an Academic Use. The University will work with the user to determine if a suitable alternative space can be provided, failing which, any fees and deposits paid in advance will be refunded, if applicable.
3.03 Refusal of Booking
³Ô¹ÏÍø may refuse any booking request by any User in accordance with its Booking of University Space & Facilities policy. Refusal of a request to book University Space & Facilities may occur when:
3.04 An Internal User, Academic Affiliate, University Affiliate or University Student Group that has been refused a booking may make a written request for a review of the refusal to the Vice-President, Academic.
Booking Fees
4.01 Booking fees for Short-term Casual Use of University Space and Facilities are determined at the discretion of ³Ô¹ÏÍø and will be periodically reviewed and updated.
4.02 Booking Fees for the for the use of the room or space will typically be waived for an Internal User, Academic Affiliate, University Affiliates, or University Student Group unless a registration or admission fee is charged to attendees, in which case the regular Booking Fees will apply. All Other Charges will apply and are assessed at the time of booking based on the applicable fee-schedule.
Other Charges
4.03 Over and above the Booking Fee, all users will be required to pay all applicable additional charges and costs associated with the use, as determined by the University. These additional charges include, but are not limited to:
4.04 Charges will be reported to the booking contact for payment as soon as possible. The University may request a deposit of up to 50% of the anticipated costs (including Booking Fee and Other Charges) where the costs are assessed to exceed $500.00. Deposits must be paid at least two (2) business days in advance of the use or event, failing which the event may be cancelled.