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The Centre for Indigegogy workshops are dedicated to fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of Indigenous knowledge and practices. 

Explore our offerings: 

Custom Offerings

For organizations and businesses looking to invest in professional development, our centre delivers a collective learning experience steeped in Indigegogy and hosted in circle pedagogy.

Our professional development programming offers an Indigenous-centred, wholistic approach to critical topics such as:

  • Colonial trauma
  • Decolonizing/Indigenizing,
  • Strategic planning,
  • Land-based healing and education,
  • Circle work (circle facilitation)
  • Community development


Custom Workshops are priced at $5,500 +taxes (full day) and $2,750 (half day)*. Extra fees are associated with in-person workshops (i.e. travel, accommodations for facilitators).

Want to know more? Schedule a consult with Katie McLellan at kmclellan@wlu.ca

Indigegogy Certificates

Decolonizing Education Certificate

This certificate program is for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people who want to develop their capacity to understand Indigenous perspectives in the history of colonization to contemporary realities in Canada. You must complete a minimum of eighty-four (84) program hours to obtain the certificate.

Wholistic Healing Practices and Colonial Trauma Certificate

This certificate is for Indigenous or non-Indigenous practitioners working with Indigenous peoples. We cover practicing from a wholistic lens, and learning about what it means to decolonize and Indigenize trauma work in the context of the politics of colonialism.

You must complete a minimum of eighty-four (84) program hours to obtain the certificate. Modules 1, 2 and 4 are mandatory to complete the certificate.

Indigenous Re-Search Series

Wholistic Professional Development

Joining Us Online?

Circle Process

The Centre for Indigegogy works to maintain the principles of Indigegogy and Indigenous Circle protocols both online and in-person! Consider creating your own sacred space, wherever you're learning from. This can include medicines, a smudge bowl, a drum etc. 

Technical Requirements

To reduce any technical difficulties, prior to your scheduled workshop:

  • Check your internet connection
  • Practice signing in to your Zoom account
  • Create your Zoom account (if applicable)
  • Check your headphones & microphone

Virtual Giveaway

In a giveaway ceremony, we honour the spirit of all those who have gathered with us, whether they be our learners, or our ancestors. Your virtual giveaway link will be provided to you in an information document prior to attending.
